Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dondakaya Vepudu/Tindora stir fry

Enjoy this simple stir fry of this versatile vegetable......................................


1lb/500grms. Dondakaya/tindora(cut into medium size discs)

1/4tsp.turmeric powder

1&1/2tsp.red chilli powder(adjust as per spice levels)

Salt to taste


1/2tsp.mustard seeds


2springs curry leaves


  • Wash dondakaya/tindora and cut the tip and tail ends. Cut them into rounds and keep aside.
  • Heat 2tbsp. of oil in a cooking vessel, once the oil is hot enough add mustard, once it starts to crackle add jeera and curry leaves and fry for few seconds till the aroma emanates the kitchen.
  • Then add dondakaya pieces, salt and turmeric powder, mix well and saute on medium high heat for 3 mts., then reduce the heat to medium, place lid, let it cook, approx 15 minutes.
  • Keep mixing in between to avoid burning. The sauteed tindora will begin to have a wrinkled look. Remove lid at this stage and add red chilli pwder, adjust the salt if needed mix well and cook on low-medium heat for another 15min., without lid. Turn the heat off and serve with steam rice.


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