Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Vankaya Vepudu/ Brinjal Dry Curry

This is a simple, but toooo delicious brinjal vepudu. I had fall in love with this curry for the first bite itself, I have tasted it in my friend, Krithi's house, who's also a good cook, but... if we say that, she simply says...........Achoo.....I'm not that good, but indeed she's great. Thank you dear for the recipe.
  • 1lb.Vankayalu/brinjal/eggplant(cut length wise)
  • 1/2tsp.tamarind extract,
  • 1tsp.sambar powder
  • salt to taste
  • 4tsp.oil
  • 1/2tsp.mustard
  • 1/2tsp.urad dal
  • Take brinjal pieces, to them add tamarind extract, salt and sambar powder, mix well. In a pan add oil, once it's hot add mustard and urad dal, once they start to splutter add brinjal pieces, reduce the heat to medium and fry them for about 15min., or until the brinjal skin is light crispy. Serve it as a side with rice or roti.


  1. Delicious curry...I guess you have so many recipes with Brinjal in Andhra, rt? It was during my sty in Hyderabad I started liking this veggie :D

  2. Hey very nice brinjal dish...it vl taste superb with tamrind n sambar powder

  3. Simply Delectable!!!! Love any dish that contains brinjal.:)

  4. I just like simple homely food likes these yummy eggplant poryial...feels homely na:DDD

  5. Such a delicious dry curry, looks yummy..

  6. 4 yrs back..i hated Brinjal..now with these many delicious recipes i started admiring the unique taste of brinjal..Thanks!

  7. hmm..i guess i love each and every brinjal recipe..i sure take 2 -3 diff varieties when i go for grocery..dish is awesome !

  8. Dear Prasu
    I like egg plants in all form. I like this spice combination, never used sambar powder other than sambar. It is simple too, so will make it soon.
    have a nice day

  9. Thats Easy,simple yet so delicious one...

  10. Lovely dry curry! Delicious with tamarind.

  11. one of my most favorite fry....perfect wid rice...

  12. Looks delicious and yummy....

    Happy to share an award with u. Kindly accept it dear,

  13. I love this curry, goes very well with rasam and hot steaming rice na!!!

  14. Oh, this looks so good! I love eggplants, this makes hungry in the middle of the night, Mmmm!


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