Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kodi Guddu Beerakaaya Kura/ Egg, Ridgegourd Curry

This is one vegetable that has mild sweet taste and which can be paired with Boiled eggs,fresh prawns and even with dried prawns.....these combinations are unique in our coastal region. Among them, one delectable combination is ridge gourd with boiled eggs, these simple combinations make the meal delicious with roties or steamed rice....
  • Ingredients:
    2lb.ridge gourd(peeled and chopped), eggs(as required, boiled, shelled, make 3 slits along the sides), 1 large onion(roughly chopped), 1tomato(diced), 1/2tbsp. oil, 1/2tsp. mustard seeds, 1/2tsp. cumin seeds, 2 green chillis( slit length wise), 1/ chilli powder(adjust as per taste, but this curry is intended to be mild), 1/4tsp.coriander powder, 4garlic pods(slightly crushed), 2springs curry leaves, 1/4tsp.turmeric, salt to taste.


  • Add 1/2tsp. of oil, once it's warm add little turmeric powder, slit eggs, roast them for a min., remove and keep aside( the other crust can be little brown), in the same pan, add the remaining oil, once it's hot enough add mustard seeds, cumin , once they start to splutter add the crushed garlic, curry leaves, green chillis, mix well, fry til curry leaves turn dark green in color, now add the chopped onions and saute till transparent, then add tomato and fry until the tomatoes are pulped up. Add the chopped ridge gourd, mix well and cook for 8-10 mins., on medium heat, now water oozes from ridge gourad , then add salt and cook for another 7mins., on medium heat, then add the roasted eggs, reduce the flame, and simmer for 5 min., and cook until you get the desired consistency(it should be little watery), then turn off heat and serve hot with rotis or steamed white rice.


  1. Yum yum...looks delicious!!...very nice clicks, dear!

  2. awww,so much drooling over that pic.

    Impressive dish n it deserves a try

    prasu.Nice pic.

  3. Hi. I am not a big fan of ridgegourd but love the add of eggs.

  4. never knew of this combination..definitely worth trying..

  5. Ridgegourd curry in your style with egg seems a great idea. Wanna have it with hot rice:)

  6. RIdge gourd curry looks delicious, love the additiong of eggs..

  7. As you said it is an unique combination but looks so yummm.

  8. Looks so always xllnt pic!! unique combination dear..

  9. Hi Prasu,

    Kindly pick up the award from my blog dear

    with luv,

  10. Hey,
    First time here. Nice spot you have got here. Digging your Banana Halwa and the RidgeGourd-Egg curry.

  11. This is great combo dear. Addition of eggs makes me fan of ridge gourd too:)

  12. ridgegourd and egg makes a nice combo.will try thsi yummy dish.

  13. A really new and interesting combo..Sounds gr8 and looks yummy!!!

  14. It's the wondrousness of a combo! It looks delicious and alluring!

  15. Different and interesting combination.I have one suggestion dear,if possible type the ingredients one below the other,so that it will be easy for others to read.

  16. Nice combination,goes well with white rice

  17. Love eggs in any form! Looks delicious!

  18. So far, I know only one kind of masala with boiled eggs, but you seem to have a whole lot of recipes here... thanks a lot for sharing those :-)


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