Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hurrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......wowwwwwwwwwwwwww.................................................This is my 50th post.....................................................


Fresh Paneer (made from 1/2 gallon of milk)
Powdered Sugar (3/4 cup, or to taste)
Small Cardamom Powder (1 tsp)
Pistachios (25 unsalted, 18 whole and rest sliced)

Make fresh paneer from 1/2 gallon of milk and press it with something heavy for 45 minutes, so that all the water come out.
In a large bowl, start mashing it with your hands until smooth and a ball is formed. The heat from your hand will help it in becoming soft and smooth, which is very important since we are not cooking anything.
Now add powdered sugar and cardamom powder. Mix well with hands.
Divide the prepared paneer into 15-18 equal portions.
Roll one of them between the palms of your hands and flatten it.
Put one pistachio in the middle and roll into a ball.
Let them set for 3-4 hours in the freeze, before serving.