Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kodi Guddu palu posina Kura/ Egg Curry with Milk

Me and My Sissy arevery fond of this egg curry. There was a time when Mom used to make this for us everyday. Habit changes and somehow in the line, I found we stopped making it. At times I try making it, else normally never. I have been planning for so long to make this curry,that I almost gave up on that. But this time when I went for vacation, my mom made this curry for us,My j :-) and daughter became big fans for this curry..............hmmmmmmmmmmm..

So,tastes and habits are back I cook it so least twice in a week........


3big onions(chopped), 4Eggs, 5cups milk,1/4tsp. turmeric, 1tsp. red chilli powder, salt to taste and 3tsp.oil.


In a flat pan add oil, once it is hot add onions and sautee them for 5 min.then add salt,red chilli powder and turmeric, fry for one more minute and then add milk and allow it to boil, once it starts rolling boiling, crack the eggs and drop one at a time with little gap(don't put them all together)and cook on a medium high flame until the gravy is tick(appx.20min.) and flip the eggs..............The eggs look like cutlets.......serve them hot with roti or with rasam rice.